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water purifier system

The UV-plus purifier utilizes germicidal ultraviolet light to quickly and reliably disable bacteria viruses and other micro-organisms present in water. It is easy to install and operate .

Barbs allow fit with vinyl tube sizes of 1/4" OD or 3/8" OD.
* Features
* 1. Twin water filter-10”PPF 5um + 10” GAC (or CTO)
* 2. Pre-filter 5um remove rust,algae,small particulate etc.
* 3. Acticated carbon remove bleach,chlorine,pesticide pigment…etc.
* 4. 1GPM UV system to remove bacteria
* 5. Diverse water filter materials can be chosen to match the local water quality require.
* 6. Easily connects to faucet with diverter valve
* 7. More media is optional.

UF-plus water Purifier

The UF-plus Water Purifier can remove the the dissolved,organics,bateria etc, It is easy to install and operate


Pleated Water Filters Replacement Cartridges

Water Filters Replacement Cartridges is constructed of durable, spun bond non-woven, reusable polyester fabric which allows for several uses. The media has been pleated to maximize its dirt holding capacity and extend the time period between changes. The media chemical and bacteria resistance makes these cartridges suitable for most light industrial and well water applications.


Water filters faucet

1. A series of water dispensing faucets for point-of-use potable water filters.

2. Lever depression initiates flow with spring return.

3. Upward action allows continuous flow with manual return.

4. Airgap faucet use with reverse osmosis water filter system where plumbing codes require brine flow to through ab air gap.
A series of water dispensing faucets for point-of-use potable water filters. Ceramic valve design provides smooth operation. Solid metal body construction provides for superior durability. Lever rotation (900) initiates flow with manual return. The angle of the handle is adjustable.

Available with AIPGAP option for Reverse Osmosis system uses.
Open Relief faucet Keeps pressure out of filter until water is demanded. Helps prevent housing leaks and failures.

All water filter faucets are Available with Euro style and in chrome white, black,Almond,Bisque ,Red Polish brass or brushed nickel.


Whole House Water Filters

Our whole house water filters remove chlorine and other chemical tastes/odors plus dirt/sediments, making water cleaner, clearer, and safer for your whole house. In addition, they also protect your appliances, fixtures and pipelines.

These premium whole house inline water filters are usually placed in the main water line entering the home, Whole house water filters can be installed by a homeowner who is mechanically inclined, or if your prefer, by any licensed plumber. The system is equipped with a pressure release button to inform you when filter replacement is required. The frequency of filter replacements will depend on the amount of contaminants in your incoming water supply ,Of course, generally have capacities to filter 10,000 - 100,000 gallons of water before you have to change the cartridge.

A whole house water filter system is comprised of at least one filter housing, at least one filter cartridge, and a spanner wrench (included w/ housing).

We offer whole house water filter housings and filter cartridges that you can mix and match yourself. You can even connect 2 housings in series to form a unique system designed for your situation. For example, first stage is sediment filtration, then followed by a carbon or iron removal filter in the second housing as a second stage filtration.

All of our whole house filter packages feature:

Heavy duty "Big Blue" housing(s) with pressure relief valve

FDA certified materials

NO backwashing or media regeneration required!

Do not add harmful bi-products to your drinking water

Relatively long filter life - cost effective long-term operation

Simple installation

Small size - save valuable floor space!

High flow design and extremely low pressure drop

Easy to replace filters - handy spanner wrench included with all systems

CTO water filters replacement cartridges

it is made from coconut shell based, palm or nut shell based & coal based carbons which creates what many believes to be a sweeter tasting water. Because of the unique pore structure of this carbon, it is well suited for chemical absorption, including VOCS, while reducing chlorine and chemicals that result in taste and odor. The service life of the C-Series Carbon Block water filter cartridge is greatly extended by an outer layer of 10-15µm polypropylene non-woven pre-filtration media and will operate more effectively in most installations than without pre-filtration.


* 1. Highly effective filtration of water for certain
* 2. VOC'S Chlorine, taste and odor.
* 3. Low pressure Drop. High performance.
* 4. Extra dust holding capacity .
* 5. Greater solids holding capacity.
* 6. Longer service life.
* 7. Various Media are available.
* 8. No leaching carbon ash.
* 9. 1 to 20 micron filtration.


How to Choose a Home Water Filter

Evaluate your specific water filtration needs. Are you interested in only a drinking water filter or do you need a shower filter, as well? If you are interested in a larger investment, you may want to look into a whole house water filter.
Decide if you want to target any specific contaminants when filtering your water. For example, if you receive water from a well, it is likely that chloramines are being added as disinfectants to your water, in place of chlorine. You will want to find a water filter that promises the removal of chloramines.
Do some independent research on water filtration. Find out what exactly a water filter does. In order to understand certification claims, you will need to know a little about the process of water filtration. A few manufacturers and resellers offer useful information about water filtration on their sites.
Once you have learned a little about water filters, begin to refine your search, keeping particular filter medias and technology in mind.
Decide on a few brands of water filters that match your budget and then conduct some more in-depth research. Look into their certification, find out what contaminants they remove, and determine what percentage of contaminant removal they guarantee.
Look into consumer advocate organizations like Consumers Digest to find what other buyers have said about a particular water filter.
Choose a brand of water filter and try it out. If the water filter serves your needs, then keep it. If it does not meet your needs, try out another brand. Most manufacturers offer a money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the product.
No matter what brand of water filter you choose, be sure to replace filter cartridges according to the manufacturer's guidelines. A filter cartridge generally needs to be replaced every six months with normal use.
Most water filters require a couple of run-throughs before they function at optimum efficiency, in order to clear any carbon fines from the filter unit. Be sure to judge the merit of your chosen water filter only after you have used it a couple of times.


Objectivity, transparency, and the future of journalism

Traditional journalism values objectivity above almost all other principles. Many contracts prohibit journalists from becoming active in politics and some reporters actually decline to vote in order to avoid undermining their objectivity. Sports columnist John Canzano at The Oregonian, however, has recently taken a job working for Paul Allen, the owner of the Trail Blazers. Can Canzano still be objective while simultaneously being employed by Allen's NewsRadio 750 KXL?

As reported in today's Williamette Week, Canzano addressed the potential conflict of interest:"I know what you're thinking... 'He's a sellout...,'" Canzano wrote. "KXL is owned by Paul Allen. He also owns the Trail Blazers."

But Canzano tried to stifle any concerns about a journalist getting paid by the owner of the very organization he covers with the comment that, "the Blazers must have big-time confidence in their product because I?ve been granted 100-percent editorial control, guaranteeing you that you?re going to get me as unfiltered and authentic on the radio as I am in print."

Canzano does seem determined to prove his independence. In his first print column since the deal became public, Canzano attacked "Allen, who has a reputation as a lousy businessman," for his management of the franchise.Perhaps Canzano is being overly critical of Allen in order to to compensate for those who feel that he might become a mouthpiece for the Trail Blazers, or perhaps Allen really is a lousy businessman. It's difficult to assess, but one must wonder why someone would choose to work for a lousy businessman. While I can certainly empathize with concerns that Allen's objectivity has been decimated by the new job, I happen to feel that objectivity is a false ideal.

The Oregonian may or not agree with that premise, but they've expressed that this move establishes an "unprecedented level of transparency." Unlike objectivity which is subjective by nature, the notion of transparency is built around the principle that consumers are able to examine possible motivations and form their own opinion about why a journalist wrote what they did.

Of course, in order for transparency to be effective, a certain level of media literacy is necessary to not take what's being said as divine truth, but I think this is beginning to develop naturally and I applaud The Oregonian for attempting to pursue transparency over objectivity.



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Slow sand filter

Slow sand filters have a number of unique qualities:

Unlike other filtration methods, slow sand filters use biological processes to clean the water, and are nonpressurized systems. Slow sand filters do not require chemicals or electricity to operate.
Cleaning is traditionally by use of a mechanical scraper, which is usually driven into the filter bed once it has been dried out. However, some slow sand filter operators use a method called "wet harrowing", where the sand is scraped while still under water, and the water used for cleaning is drained to waste;
For municipal systems there usually is a certain degree of redundancy, it is desirable for the maximum required throughput of water to be achievable with one or more beds out of service;
Slow sand filters require relatively low turbidity levels to operate efficiently. In summer conditions and in conditions when the raw water is turbid, blinding of the filters occurs more quickly and pre-treatment is recommended.
Unlike other water filtration technologies that produce water on demand, slow sand filters produce water at a slow, constant flow rate and are usually used in conjunction with a storage tank for peak usage. This slow rate is necessary for healthy development of the biological processes in the filter.
While many municipal water treatment works will have 12 or more beds in use at any one time, smaller communities or households may only have one or two filter beds.

In the base of each bed is a series of herringbone drains that are covered with a layer of pebbles which in turn is covered with coarse gravel. Further layers of sand are placed on top followed by a thick layer of fine sand. The whole depth of filter material may be more than 1 metre in depth, the majority of which will be fine sand material. On top of the sand bed sits a supernatant layer of raw, unfiltered water.




  很多的网站流量统计服务会同时提供这两项数据- “访问量”计数的是访问者的数目,而页面浏览量算的则是这些访问者所浏览的你blog上的网页的数目。


回头率: 读者浏览的页面越多,那么他再次造访的可能性也就更大。
收入: 放在blog上的广告多是印象型的,也就是说被浏览的次数多了,被点击的可能性才越大。




  不想在文章内部加入指向之前文章的链接的话,专门独立出一个“相关文章”(Related post)的部分就不失为一个好的替代方法了(你可以在侧栏里看到我的相关文章(related entries),而原文作者,ProbBlogger的主人的相关文章则放在了每篇文章之后,并以黄色为背景以突出显示)。Wordpress有专门的插件可以自动实现这一功能(名为related posts)。当然你要是想手动实现也是可以的,只要在文章结尾处加进一些和本文相关的可供读者参考的文章链接就可以了。


  原文作者就尝到了通过邮件订阅来提高页面浏览量的甜头,凡是通过邮件订阅的读者在收到ProBlogger的最新消息的同时都会留意到一个叫作“hot posts”的部分,在这个部分中整理收入了一周当中的最受欢迎的5篇文章。因为不同读者所关注的文章不同,所以很可能一些人只看过其中的某几篇文章,加入“hot posts”之后,这部分读者就会对没看过的那些文章产生兴趣。这样一来就在增加“访问量”的同时也增加了“页面浏览量”。其它的一些通过邮件提示更新的订阅服务应该也很有效(比如Zookoda和Feedburner就都有这个功能)。






  写一系列的文章来提高页面量有着两层意义。首先在写这个系列的这段时间里,读者会不时地被吸引回来,因为他们想看看你下一篇文章写了些什么; 其次,在你完成了这个系列之后,如果能很好的把这些文章都链在一起(参考1和2),这样一来读者就会从头到尾读完整个系列(当然是由多个页面组成的)。原文作者就写过一个初学者blog指南的系列,而每个从头到尾看完这个系列的读者都要看上30到40篇文章(汗)。


















  原文地址:How to Increase a Blog’s Page Views


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