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Water purification

Water purification is the process of removing contaminants from a raw water source. The goal is to produce water for a specific purpose with a treatment profile designed to limit the inclusion of specific materials; most water is purified for human consumption (drinking water). Water purification may also be designed for a variety of other purposes, including to meet the requirements of medical, pharmacology, chemical and industrial applications. Methods include, but are not limited to: ultra violet light, filtration, water softening, reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration, molecular stripping, deionization, and carbon treatment.

Water purification may remove: particulate sand; suspended particles of organic materal; Parasites, Giardia; Cryptosporidium; bacteria; algae; virus; fungi; etc. Minerals calcium, silica, magnesium, etc. and Toxic metals (lead, copper, chromium etc). Some purification may be elective in the purification process, including smell (hydrogen sulphide remediation), taste (mineral extraction), and appearance (iron incapsulation).

Governments usually dictate the standards for drinking water quality. These standards will require minimum / maximum set points of contaminants and the inclusion of control elements that produce drinking water. Quality standards in many countries require specific amounts of disinfectant (such as chlorine or ozone) in the water after it leaves the water treatment plant (WTP), to reduce the risk of re-contamination while the water is in the distribution system.

Ground water (usually supplied as well water) is typically a more economical choice than surface water (from rivers, lakes and streams) as a source for drinking, as it is inherently pre-filtered by the aquifer from which it is extracted. Over large areas of the world, aquifers are recharged as part of the hydrologic cycle. In more arid regions, water from an aquifer will have a limited output and can take thousands of years to recharge. Surface water is locally more abundant where subsurface formations do not function as aquifers; however, ground water is far more abundant than the more-visible surface water. Surface water is a typical raw water source used to make drinking water where it is abundant and where ground water is unavailable or of poor quality. However, it is much more exposed to human activity and its byproducts. As a water source it is carefully monitored for the presence of a variety of contaminants by the WTP operators.




  据TD联盟相关工作人员介绍,参与本次国际通信展的TD手机,均已实现和现有网络的自动漫游和自动切换。这意味着,未来在中国建设TD网络后,用户购买 TD手机入网,将可以在同一个号码下,在没有TD网络覆盖的地区自动漫游和切换到当地的GSM网络进行通话,而在有3G网络的地区则优先使用TD网络,以保障用户在建网初期不受网络信号覆盖的局限而影响使用。



  本报讯 (记者刘奇)昨天,夏新电子在2007中国国际通信展上宣布,正式推出6款CD-MA手机机型,并将其CDMA的主要市场从海外转向国内。





中华网游戏集团(CDC games)今日宣布,已经在韩国向其代理的网游《热血江湖》的开发商Mgame提起了诉讼,此前的10月17日,中华网游戏宣布已经在香港起诉Mgame。







CTO water filters replacement cartridges

It is made from coconut shell based, palm or nut shell based & coal based carbons which creates what many believes to be a sweeter tasting water. Because of the unique pore structure of this carbon, it is well suited for chemical absorption, including VOCS, while reducing chlorine and chemicals that result in taste and odor. The service life of the C-Series Carbon Block water filter cartridge is greatly extended by an outer layer of 10-15µm polypropylene non-woven pre-filtration media and will operate more effectively in most installations than without pre-filtration.


* 1. Highly effective filtration of water for certain
* 2. VOC'S Chlorine, taste and odor.
* 3. Low pressure Drop. High performance.
* 4. Extra dust holding capacity .
* 5. Greater solids holding capacity.
* 6. Longer service life.
* 7. Various Media are available.
* 8. No leaching carbon ash.
* 9. 1 to 20 micron filtration.


Four Grinders from XXRS Won Appraisal Certificate

Four Grinders from XXRS Won Appraisal Certificate

Authorized by Henan Science & Technology Department, Xinxiang Science & Technology Bureau organized experts to appraise the grinders from Xinxiang Sunrise NC Equipment CO., Ltd (XXRS). According to the experts , the technical performance and precision of NC Grinding Line for middle and small Taper Bearing ring 3MK2110B (CNC Bearing Inner Ring raceway grinder), 3MK2210B CNC Bearing Inner Ring Rib Grinder and 3MK2312B CNC bearing outer Ring raceway grinder from XXRS have reached the advanced level of the same kind in China.

Besides, the experts appraised the CNC transverse thrust ball bearing raceway grinder. Auto Bearings,automotive bearings,automobile bearings,industrial bearings,Ball Bearings,Miniature Ball Bearings ,Wheel Bearings

Finally, they announced that 3MK2110B, 3MK2210B, 3MK2312B and 3MK108B were awarded the Appraisal Certificate of Outcome of Scientific Technology.


City funding for developer angers housing advocates

The Los Angeles City Council voted Friday to provide $8 million to a developer who is rehabilitating a 12-story residential hotel near skid row, infuriating homeless advocates who charge the developer is waging an illegal campaign to drive impoverished tenants out of another building nearby.

Two community groups accused the recipient of the money, San Diego-based Amerland Group, of harassing tenants of the Alexandria Hotel by disabling elevators and turning off the water -- leaving toilets inoperable for hours.

Amerland denied the charges, while council members said they had looked into the allegations and found them to be unsubstantiated. Critics of Amerland said they may be willing to go to court to block the funding, half of which must be repaid by the developer.

"We are certainly weighing all of our legal options, because our political options are basically nothing on this issue," said Becky Dennison, director of Los Angeles Community Action Network, a group that represents low-income tenants.

Backers of housing for very low-income residents said the stakes go well beyond two residential hotels. Downtown Los Angeles has thousands of other units in once-grand but now decrepit buildings whose occupants are one eviction away from the street or jail, said UCLA law professor Gary Blasi.

"It's clear that the last remaining stock of very low-income housing, which is all that stands between homeless people and the street, is in serious jeopardy," he said. "There's just enormous development pressure there, and the values of those buildings have grown to where it doesn't make sense for anyone to operate them as low-income housing in the old model."

The council's vote will allow Amerland Group to renovate the Rosslyn Lofts, a 94-year-old residential hotel near 5th and Main streets. Eighty-six of the apartments will go to households who earn 35% of average median income. Another 173 will go to renters who earn 60% of the average median income.

Housing advocates said those rents are still too high for many of the poor who live in the single room occupancy hotels on skid row.

Roughly a dozen tenants and their supporters, two of them in wheelchairs, appeared before the council to complain that Amerland wants to replace impoverished tenants with those who may have low incomes but can afford to pay higher rent.

"You've given a bailout to one of the biggest slumlords in Los Angeles," added Bilal Ali, who organized some of the Alexandria's tenants.

Amerland president Ruben Islas strongly disputed the groups' accusations, saying he has turned off the water in the Alexandria only for short periods of time to install new bathroom fixtures and kitchenettes as part of a wide-ranging renovation.

Islas, in turn, accused his critics of sabotaging work at the Alexandria by turning off the water and disrupting service on an elevator days before a meeting at which the Community Redevelopment Agency reviewed his financing.

"Someone got into the sub-basement, which isn't easy to get to, and physically broke through the fence and shut off our water pressure the day before the meeting," he said.

The two sides even disagree on how many evictions have taken place. Dennison says that 124 units have been emptied since Amerland received permission from the city to take over the Alexandria. Islas said he is responsible for 28.

Not all the Alexandria tenants were troubled by the disruptions. "Yes, it's an inconvenience. Yes, it's a pain in the butt. But those are the things you have to go through to get things done," said tenant Andorra Ward.

Amerland Group bought the Alexandria Hotel a year ago and is expected to complete the renovations in February.

Last month, Amerland cleared its first hurdle for the city financing at the Rosslyn. A divided redevelopment agency board voted to give the developer monetary assistance, despite protests from two of its members.

Days after that vote, commissioner Madeline Janis, one of seven board members appointed by Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, said her colleagues were under pressure to approve the $8-million package.

Janis said it was especially unusual to see two council members -- Jan Perry, who represents downtown, and Tony Cardenas, who represents the San Fernando Valley -- sit through four hours of discussion on the matter.

"There was all of this political pressure put on every member of the board," Janis said. "It was direct, like having two council members sitting there the entire time, to the indirect, like hearing back that the developer was really angry and was going have retribution against any CRA board member who didn't support him."

Cardenas and Perry disputed the allegations. "I don't know Madeline very well, but anyone who comes up with such a concoction of a scenario is confused and making things up," Cardenas said.

After the vote, Cardenas chastised organizers of the Community Action Network, saying they had failed to support housing for the working poor. Those activists, in turn, called Cardenas unprofessional.

With the city funding approved, Islas now plans also to seek funds available under Proposition 1C, a state bond measure that provides money for affordable housing projects.

Half of the city's funding will go toward the apartments designated for renters who earn 35% of average median income. That move will cost the redevelopment agency $46,511 per apartment.


Water Filters china

Water Filters offers safe products that will improve the quality of your home or office H2O. We offer fast shipment, the lowest prices that are permitted by the manufacturers and a secure easy to navigate website. In addition, we make information about water filters and filter technology available to you so that you can make informed decisions. The information that we present is not biased toward the water filters that we choose to carry. To assure the accuracy of our information we employ a reporter to prepare these articles.

Water filters are a great alternative to purchasing bottled water. It is more convenient and better for the environment to filter your H2O right at your kitchen sink. There are a wide range of technologies that address H2O quality issues such as taste, smell, turbidity (cloudiness), and chemical concerns. These vary in form from the simple in-line carbon filter for the ice maker to top of the line Reverse Osmosis (RO) units.